Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ways to beat inflation monster

“Sakhi saiyan to khoob hi kamaat hai, mehngai dayain khaye jaat hai” (dear friend, my husband is earning a good sum of money, but this inflation is swallowing all his earnings). This line has been taken from a song of a Hindi film ‘Peepli Live’. This sounds funny, but it’s a bitter truth that everyone is facing in today’s economy. Inflation has affected every class of the society. Either rich or poor, everyone is trying to fight with the monster named “Inflation”. According to recent RBI survey, Inflation is supposed to touch 8.2% in the quarter ending in June 2011. Inflation rate could be defined as a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power.

In today’s scenario, there are few internal strategies which every household should implement in their life. They should try to change their life-style. You can trim down your expenditure with the reduction in outing, which includes shopping, eating-out etc.. You can use the unconventional ways to enjoy! You can go to park, instead of malls; as a replacement for eating out, you can go for home-made food. Trying different recipes at home in itself is a fun. On weekends, you can request your better-half to help you in new recipes. That is also a way to romance!

Apart from these, there are certain other strategies which could be counted under the external ways to tackle this falling value of money. Reserve Bank of India has increased the interest rates to control inflation. RBI has decided to increase its repo-rate to 7.25 % and reverse repo-rate to 6.25 %. Repo rate is the rate at which RBI lends short term funds to banks. Reverse repo-rate can be defined as the rate at which RBI accepts short-term deposits from bank. The inflation has hit the personal budget badly. Cost of living has become a very expensive affair. In such scenario, one needs to manage his budget tactfully and allocate the money according to priorities.

People believe in long term fix-deposits. But in this inflation marred period, it is always suggested to break the long term FDs into short term FDs. However, it is conditioned with the time left with your FD. Relocate your fund, only if long term is left for the maturity. You can break your current FD into ultra-short term (<3 months) and short-term (<6months). But, if in case your FD is going to mature within the short span of time, it is better to stay back with your current long-term Fix Deposit. This can help you to earn more returns from your savings.

One can also beat inflation with the change in his portfolio. The investor can do search & research of market and then make changes accordingly. He can replace the companies giving less return in future with the companies giving higher returns. It is so, because the companies with the lesser return can make your portfolio weak. In most of the cases, one can find both types of companies in a portfolio; companies giving higher return/ companies running in profit and companies giving lower return/companies running in loss. With this, he might be able to earn only average return where he can also earn higher return. It is better to allocate your money in few profit-earning companies with a better future prospect.

Get done with the payment of loan! Payment of loan could also reduce the burden of inflation. Try to pay loans according to the rate of interest. Loans with higher rate of interest should be paid first. It is so, because loans with high ROI would grab a large sum of money of your monthly budget. At present, home loan has also become very costly. In case of ROI, it is very important to be very vigilant. Never pay the rate more than market rate. Old customers can also try to bargain with their respective banks. They can ask them for lower rate of interest, as they are old customers. If bank refuses to follow their request, it is always suggested to switch their banks.

As far as the fresh investment in the present situation is concerned, it is advisable to go for long-term equity investment. Gold could also be a good option. It could fetch you higher return in long period of time.

In a nutshell we can say that, Inflation is such a monster which will continue swallowing your earnings until you start using your money wisely.

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